Financial appeal for breast health
A 20-year study of breast cancer has been completed but not yet published. The results show compelling evidence that breast cancer may have been intentionally induced among certain women for financial gain. A disproportionate number of these women died. There are reasons to believe that these dark and evil acts are continuing with impunity.
The study also revealed that, by and through subliminal means, some breast cancer survivors were repeatedly exposed to circumstances that put them at risk for developing cancers in their other organs: larynx, pharynx, esophagus, liver, colon, rectum and cervix.
When published, this study is likely to give rise to meritless lawsuits against the principal investigator and our organization. Therefore, we are seeking donations and grants to establish a legal defense fund in advance of publishing. Please support this effort in the interest of humanity and public health.
Mission Statement
To conduct epidemiological and observational studies aimed at uncovering some of the causal links connected with breast cancers and breast cancer deaths among women. The results of these studies should be of great value to aid women in making informed choices about their breast health. We are an all-volunteer organization providing hope with integrity.
For now, this site comes seeking donations and grants to help establish a legal defense fund that may be needed in connection with publishing a completed breast cancer study that should shock the conscience of the nation for the reasons as summarized herein, below.
James W. Coleman, Ph.D., principal investigator, completed a study that uncovered some of the non-genetic factors linked to disproportionately high numbers of both breast cancer cases and breast cancer deaths among women*. The facts are irrefutable, compelling, persuasive and deeply troubling and disturbing. Among other things, gross misrepresentations of material facts made public repeatedly may have led to the unnecessary breast cancer deaths of some women. The adverse impact on other women may have escaped detection for reasons as theorized in the study. It would appear there were misrepresentations on other fronts that may have inured to the detriment of black women.
[This study was continued to test the strength of previous observations. An analysis of the results reconfirmed with a higher degree of certainty a major causal links to breast cancer and fatal breast cancer. Follow-up studies are continuing.]
Further, when certain facts are viewed and analyzed as a sum and in context, a rational layperson could draw a reasonable inference and find that breast cancer was intentionally induced in certain women for financial gain. Based upon its nature, character, gravity and contents, this study is believed to be the first of its kind in the history of breast cancer. Information from six different states was used for comparative analyses. The results of this study should be of great educational value in the battle against this dreadful disease for all races and all ethnic groups on all continents.
Therefore, the urgent need to get this study into the public domain cannot be overemphasized and it is likely to spark national and global discussions. Until an adequate war chest is established, this study will remain as the property of the investigator so as not to compromise or erode its integrity or encumber the organization and its directors.
Funds are needed
Because of its uniqueness and the surrounding events and circumstances, making the study public is likely to give rise to certain legal challenges and pushbacks. These anticipated obstacles can be defeated with adequate defense funding because the factual representations were carefully vetted and bolstered with an affidavit, supporting documents and articles published in peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals. The funds may be used in an alternate approach with the selfsame objective in mind. In any event, 100 percent of all donations made toward this effort will be used to establish the fund for the express purpose.
Given its public health significance and morality, it would be a travesty of humanistic values if the funds are not provided by the individual taxpayers. Otherwise, they may be indirectly or unknowingly contributing to the breast cancer demise of some women.
Trust the investigator. Certain facts are so egregious that they are hard to imagine in a civilized society. It is anticipated that by releasing this study, the trajectory of breast cancer cases and breast cancer deaths of all women may be changed for the better. Therefore, we submit that the society as a whole has a moral obligation to give financial support to this public health endeavor.
Reassuring fiduciary commentary
We are fully and keenly aware that it is a criminal offense, punishable by imprisonment and/or a fine, to solicit taxpayer’s funds under false pretenses or base the appeal upon false representations knowingly or use the funds for personal gain. This historic study is too important and too significant to engage in any such nonsense.
After the results are made public, the investigator is confident you will not have any donor’s remorse.
Click here to go to our Donation page and please give generously so this study can be made public within the shortest time possible. Donations of any size will be welcomed and much appreciated.
*To protect its integrity, the final draft of this study has been deferred, pending establishing an adequate legal defense fund. The final draft will be crafted in simple terms. Follow-up research involves studies to test further the strength of current observations.
Financial appeal for breast health
A 20-year study of breast cancer has been completed but not yet published. The results show compelling evidence that breast cancer may have been intentionally induced among certain women for financial gain. A disproportionate number of these women died. There are reasons to believe that these dark and evil acts are continuing with impunity.
The study also revealed that, by and through subliminal means, some breast cancer survivors were repeatedly exposed to circumstances that put them at risk for developing cancers in their other organs: larynx, pharynx, esophagus, liver, colon, rectum and cervix.
When published, this study is likely to give rise to meritless lawsuits against the principal investigator and our organization. Therefore, we are seeking donations and grants to establish a legal defense fund in advance of publishing. Please support this effort in the interest of humanity and public health.
Mission Statement
To conduct epidemiological and observational studies aimed at uncovering some of the causal links connected with breast cancers and breast cancer deaths among women. The results of these studies should be of great value to aid women in making informed choices about their breast health. We are an all-volunteer organization providing hope with integrity.
For now, this site comes seeking donations and grants to help establish a legal defense fund that may be needed in connection with publishing a completed breast cancer study that should shock the conscience of the nation for the reasons as summarized herein, below.
James W. Coleman, Ph.D., principal investigator, completed a study that uncovered some of the non-genetic factors linked to disproportionately high numbers of both breast cancer cases and breast cancer deaths among women*. The facts are irrefutable, compelling, persuasive and deeply troubling and disturbing. Among other things, gross misrepresentations of material facts made public repeatedly may have led to the unnecessary breast cancer deaths of some women. The adverse impact on other women may have escaped detection for reasons as theorized in the study. It would appear there were misrepresentations on other fronts that may have inured to the detriment of black women.
[This study was continued to test the strength of previous observations. An analysis of the results reconfirmed with a higher degree of certainty a major causal links to breast cancer and fatal breast cancer. Follow-up studies are continuing.]
Further, when certain facts are viewed and analyzed as a sum and in context, a rational layperson could draw a reasonable inference and find that breast cancer was intentionally induced in certain women for financial gain. Based upon its nature, character, gravity and contents, this study is believed to be the first of its kind in the history of breast cancer. Information from six different states was used for comparative analyses. The results of this study should be of great educational value in the battle against this dreadful disease for all races and all ethnic groups on all continents.
Therefore, the urgent need to get this study into the public domain cannot be overemphasized and it is likely to spark national and global discussions. Until an adequate war chest is established, this study will remain as the property of the investigator so as not to compromise or erode its integrity or encumber the organization and its directors.
Funds are needed
Because of its uniqueness and the surrounding events and circumstances, making the study public is likely to give rise to certain legal challenges and pushbacks. These anticipated obstacles can be defeated with adequate defense funding because the factual representations were carefully vetted and bolstered with an affidavit, supporting documents and articles published in peer-reviewed medical and scientific journals. The funds may be used in an alternate approach with the selfsame objective in mind. In any event, 100 percent of all donations made toward this effort will be used to establish the fund for the express purpose.
Given its public health significance and morality, it would be a travesty of humanistic values if the funds are not provided by the individual taxpayers. Otherwise, they may be indirectly or unknowingly contributing to the breast cancer demise of some women.
Trust the investigator. Certain facts are so egregious that they are hard to imagine in a civilized society. It is anticipated that by releasing this study, the trajectory of breast cancer cases and breast cancer deaths of all women may be changed for the better. Therefore, we submit that the society as a whole has a moral obligation to give financial support to this public health endeavor.
Reassuring fiduciary commentary
We are fully and keenly aware that it is a criminal offense, punishable by imprisonment and/or a fine, to solicit taxpayer’s funds under false pretenses or base the appeal upon false representations knowingly or use the funds for personal gain. This historic study is too important and too significant to engage in any such nonsense.
After the results are made public, the investigator is confident you will not have any donor’s remorse.
Click here to go to our Donation page and please give generously so this study can be made public within the shortest time possible. Donations of any size will be welcomed and much appreciated.
*To protect its integrity, the final draft of this study has been deferred, pending establishing an adequate legal defense fund. The final draft will be crafted in simple terms. Follow-up research involves studies to test further the strength of current observations.